
Agentkube Operator is a Kubernetes operator that enables seamless integration with the Agentkube platform for enhanced cluster management and monitoring capabilities. This guide will help you get started with installing and configuring the operator using Helm charts.


Before you begin, ensure you have:

Installation Steps

Generate API Key


Access Dashboard


Create API Key

Go to Settings > API Keys and generate a new key


Save Key

Store your API key securely - you’ll need it for the installation

Install the Operator

First, add the Agentkube Helm repository and update:

helm repo add agentkube https://agentkube.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update

Then install the operator using Helm:

helm install agentkube-operator agentkube/agentkube-operator \
  -n agentkube-operator-system \
  --create-namespace \
  --set manager.apikey=your_api_key_here \
  --set manager.clusterName=your_cluster_name

Replace your_api_key_here with your actual API key and your_cluster_name with your desired cluster identifier.


Configuration Parameters

The following parameters can be configured during installation:

Example Configuration

Create a values.yaml file with your custom configuration:

  serverEndpoint: https://api.agentkube.com
  apikey: your_api_key_here
  clusterName: prod-cluster
  readonly: false


To verify the installation:

kubectl get pods -n agentkube-operator-system

You can access the operator’s API:

kubectl port-forward -n agentkube-operator-system svc/agentkube-operator-controller 8082:8082

After setting up port forwarding, configure the API endpoint in your Agentkube dashboard:

  1. Navigate to your cluster in the Agentkube dashboard
  2. Select your associated cluster
  3. Update the external endpoint to http://localhost:8082
  4. Enter your API key
  5. Save the configuration to enable communication with the operator